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L2ED and the Ohio Mayors Alliance

Updated: Dec 18, 2024

The Ohio Mayors Alliance (OMA), a bipartisan coalition of mayors of Ohio's largest urban and suburban communities, meets regularly to share insights and experiences about the challenges and opportunities in Ohio's cities. They collaborate to speak with one voice about the needs of Ohioans in order to advocate for their communities and constituents.

The OMA gathered in Dayton on Tuesday, August 29, hosted by Mayor Jeffrey Mims of

Dayton, at The Hub at the Dayton Arcade, with a full agenda of thoughtful topics. Learn to Earn Dayton was honored to offer insights and updates on exciting pilot programs in civic engagement currently underway in Kettering and Dayton.

With support from the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation, Learn to Earn Dayton is working alongside a team of educators and elected officials in both of these cities to create positive civic engagement opportunities for middle and high school students. Research from the Institute for Citizens & Scholars is guiding both efforts.

Introduced by Mayor Steve Patterson (Athens), Dr. Tom Lasley shared the vision for the Kettering City Schools program that will better inform middle school students about the role of city, state, and federal government. Erica Fields shared ways elected officials can incorporate youth voice in government decision making. Finally, Mayor Mims and Ms. Fields collaborated on a presentation about the upcoming Mayors Youth Summit and the future work of the Youth Commission. The session ended as Dr. Lasley celebrated the work of the OMA as a strategic and collaborative effort to ensure policies are aligned, driving toward better outcomes for youth across Ohio.

Learn to Earn Dayton is proud to support the Ohio Mayors Alliance (OMA) in the development and strengthening of the Education Advocacy Leadership Committee. Working together to drive toward statewide changes to benefit all students while also providing these dedicated and passionate local leaders insights into best practices and innovative pilot programs that can serve their communities.

Chaired by Kettering Mayor, Peggy Lehner, the committee is dedicated to collaboration to serve students, as it brings mayors and superintendents from within the cities to collaborate and foster shared learning on education-related issues and advocate for our cities’ young people in policy discussions.


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