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Strategic Plan

Planning for Success:

ONE Vision  •  Three Strategies  •  Six Measurable Benchmarks  •  Countless Collaborators


In 2021-2022, Learn to Earn Dayton’s board and staff worked with consultants and community partners to thoughtfully consider our region’s unique circumstances and the best approaches to reach our goal. 


First, we explored our rich history and considered what had already been accomplished in partnership with valued organizations such as The Dayton Foundation, Montgomery County Educational Service Center, StriveTogether, and Preschool Promise. Then, we celebrated recent progress and examined the challenges still to overcome. What emerged from the process was a living document that will inform annual priorities, provide accountability, and guide goal setting.


Cradle-to-career strategies (C2C) remain the heart of this effort - taking thoughtful and strategic steps to advance progress on the continuum toward the goal of a more educated workforce.

But education doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
We're deepening the commitment to educational outcomes through:

Place-Based Strategies

We cannot improve county-wide C2C goals without a focus on communities where the outcome disparities are the highest. In order to reach bigger goals for the region, we focus on smaller, targeted areas where resources must be directed to close gaps.

Cross-Sector Strategies

Educational outcomes are not the result of academic programs alone. Moving the needle on C2C goals requires coordination across adjacent sectors, as a child’s experience with health, housing, and safety directly impact attendance & readiness for learning.

Place Matters.
What happens outside the classroom has a strong influence on student success.

This latest Strategic Plan is the first time we have defined equitable approaches as a core strategy, essential toward achieving our mission. 

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