College & Career Readiness
Every student needs an education plan for after high school!
Our local district high schools have committed to ensuring young people know that they have an affordable path for postsecondary education. Together we’re:
Ensuring students are aware of potential career opportunities,
Providing clear and affordable pathways to help students reach their goals,
Engaging students with internships and hands-on job introductions,
Working to increase successful completion and filing of the FAFSA,
Celebrating students’ after-high school plans—wherever they make be headed, and
Creating and supporting policies that result in postsecondary success for students all across Ohio.
Completing the FAFSA—the Free Application for Federal Student Aid—is essential for making college affordable.
FAFSA Finish
Completing the FAFSA—the Free Application for Federal Student Aid—is essential for making college affordable.
Nationally, 9 out of 10 students who complete the FAFSA attend college the following fall.
The National College Attainment Network’s 2022 report demonstrated $3.75 billion in federal Pell grants went unclaimed. In Ohio alone, the 2021 graduating class left $111 million in unclaimed Pell dollars on the table, in part because only 56.7% of graduating students completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Here in Montgomery County, Learn to Earn Dayton strives to make this process as easy as possible for families.
Each of Montgomery County's high schools have FAFSA Champions who are leading efforts to increase FAFSA completion among their students.
College Enrollment
Two-thirds of jobs require a degree or credential beyond high school. Research shows students who delay enrollment are 64% less likely than their “on-time” peers to complete a bachelor’s degree and 18% less likely to complete any college credential.
National data shows that students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, and those who are the first in their family to attend college experience disproportionately lower rates of postsecondary success. Fortunately, this inequitable outcome isn’t inevitable. When students receive specialized early awareness information, pre-college advising on admissions and financial aid, and mentoring, college entrance and completion rates rise dramatically.
Every spring, Montgomery County high schools celebrate the college and career choices of each of their students. Some schools even invite elementary students to these fun recognition events—to inspire younger children to start now to plan for their future.
College Completion
The Federal Reserve reports “college graduates received weekly wages
80% higher than those of high school graduates.” And while there has been much
conversation in recent years about the cost of college, 82% of those with bachelor’s degrees
still say it’s been a good investment.
Learn to Earn Dayton has brought innovative programs to the region to welcome college students back to campus in the midst of COVID, when dropout rates were rising. Additionally, we partner to advocate for policies that help students reclaim stranded credits and move toward college completion.
Career Connections
Thinking about college and career plans can’t wait until senior year in high school. Learn to Earn Dayton partners with the Montgomery County Educational Service Center through the Business Advisory Council to provide career awareness and career exploration opportunities to students in elementary and middle school—helping to demonstrate the broad diversity of careers that are available for every student’s interest and aptitudes.