Two-Generation Collaborative
Learn to Earn Dayton serves as the backbone organization for the Montgomery County Two-Generation Collaborative—providing a network of best practices and resources for the partner organizations serving the neighborhoods.
We bring service providers and community partners together, forging strong connections and facilitating coordination in how to best serve families. With a commitment to engage and listen to the voice of the people in the neighborhoods, the Collaborative works to enable families living in low opportunity neighborhoods to imagine, plan, and implement a future where they flourish and contribute to the ongoing vibrancy of their diverse communities.
The Collaborative serves as a learning community, providing a network for providers to share lessons learned, ongoing challenges, and best practices in our goal to better serve families.
Montgomery County is a place where families, children, and adults live in safe, supportive neighborhoods, care for and respect one another, value each other, succeed in school, the workplace, and life.
Children, caregivers and families in every neighborhood in Montgomery County will have opportunities for well-being.
The Two-Generation Collaborative is a catalyst and partner in initiating and sustaining a network of Neighborhood Hubs in Montgomery County each dedicated to ensure all children in the Dayton region are successful first in school and ultimately in life.
The Two Generation Collaborative utilizes the Collective Impact framework as its foundation, working with intentionality and agreement with member organizations toward a common agenda, shared measurements, consistent communication and support of activities that are mutually reinforcing.