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A student’s attendance, starting in preschool and continuing through the elementary grades into high school, directly correlates with the student’s academic success.

While attendance improvements can begin in a single classroom or school, the most effective and sustainable approaches are data-driven and supported by strong community leadership. That's why Learn to Earn Dayton and Dayton 6th together with critical regional partners and Dayton Flyers DaRon Holmes II and Destiny Bohanon, have joined forces to spread the word that EVERY DAY in school matters.

Absenteeism cannot be solved by any one person, school, or agency. Learn more and join the work to support strong attendance, and hold all stakeholders—students, families, educators, agencies and community partners—responsible for helping to reduce chronic absence. 


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Improving attendance is a team sport.

Chronic absenteeism cannot be solved by any one person, a single school district, or an agency—it is a community concern. YOU can help!

Thank you to our partners for supporting the campaign.

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Resources & Handouts

For Families

For parents who want their children to do well in school, it is important to understand that EVERY DAY in school matters—success can certainly start within the families.

For Schools

EVERY DAY a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. We’re on your side and pleased to provide resources to share with your students and families.

For Businesses

Getting kids to school EVERY DAY matters to our business community. Chronic absenteeism leads to high school dropout rates, affecting our workforce. We’re in this together.

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