The Dayton Daily News
Learn to Earn Dayton
Bryan Stewart, workforce director, Montgomery County ESC, Learn to Earn
“Signing Days” aren’t just for athletes announcing the team they’re joining.
Throughout May, in gymnasiums and libraries all across Montgomery County, the next generation of workers will celebrate their education and career plans as they head off to college, certificate programs, the military and new jobs.
In an effort to change the way we celebrate and recognize all young people — not just our athletes — local high schools and communities are coming together to recognize students’ post-high school education and career decisions.
Students are making great choices. Some are pursuing a 4-year or 2-year degree. Others are choosing to participate in an industry-recognized training program or joining the military.
Some are ready to start learning on the job.
In recognition of the fact that young people need time to think about their education after high school and to consider myriad exciting career choices, our schools are bringing industry leaders and professionals into classrooms and lunchrooms to educate students about careers — some of which young people may not even know about.
College and career signing days are just the beginning of new ways our community is supporting young people.
Educators, business leaders and others are meeting regularly to brainstorm ways to connect students to career pathways — while they’re still in school.
This work is being led by our region’s Business Advisory Council, which represents all Montgomery County school districts and a host of corporate and industry groups.
The advisory council’s goal is to promote substantive collaboration and exchanges between K-12 educators, higher education and business leaders on how best to prepare students to compete in a global economy.
As we celebrate seniors’ next steps, it is important for families to recognize that employers’ expectations are higher today than ever. While “Now Hiring” signs are posted all around the community, successful applicants for jobs that pay a living wage must be well-trained and well-educated.
Career-readiness is the new game in town. By hosting and celebrating College and Career Signing Days, we are working together to raise awareness about the many paths available to students after graduation.
As graduation rolls around, it is important to take a step back and highlight what our young people have achieved and all that they’re doing to become tomorrow’s sought-after employees.
