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Collaboration and Learning at Accelerate ED Gathering

We're happy to share photos from the national Accelerate ED convening where local educators continued work on a model for students to more easily access college credit toward in demand career fields!

Background: In 2022-2023, Learn to Earn Dayton engaged in 12 months of deep collaboration with school districts, local colleges, government agencies, neighborhood nonprofits, and families as part of "Accelerate ED," to help smooth pathways for students to earn college degrees. As that program came to an end, we were thrilled when Learn to Earn Dayton learned we would be the beneficiary of a two-year commitment to put that plan into action for the benefit of Ohio's students.

Dayton/Ohio is one of only three programs from across the nation (joining Illinois and Massachusetts) to launch this effort through the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Our program leverages Career Navigators, critical team members at the schools who help to inform, engage, and support students in considering future careers and taking thoughtful and strategic steps toward goals. The PACCE program provides the framework, resources, and support to empower these team members to reach a wide range of students who may not otherwise consider themselves on the path to college.

The program is being rolled out in Kettering, with evolving partnerships in urban, rural, and additional suburban schools. On December 1, Accelerate ED community members from across the nation gathered in Boston, MA to share insights and drive toward greater outcomes. The Ohio Team presented how we leverage technology and engaging workforce experiences to ensure that students as young as middle school are educated about career opportunities and they are able to consider how their interests and aptitudes may translate to satisfying and well-paid work.

THANK YOU for the leadership of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in sponsoring this critical work, the technical assistance provided by Delivery Associates and Education Strategy Group, and all of the Ohio team members who were able to join from Kettering City Schools, Dayton Public Schools, Sinclair Community College, Montgomery County Educational Service Center, Learn to Earn Dayton, and Know I Can (Columbus).


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