Learn to Earn Dayton CEO Stacy Schweikhart and CEO Emeritus Tom Lasley were recently guests on the Getting Smart podcast to share the importance of having strategies in place to impact performance metrics, especially in closing gaps between students based on race or identity. They discussed the importance of early interest & aptitude assessments, aligned coursework and individualized career navigation. "We should prioritize the role of navigators in leading students to successful career paths."
Learn to Earn Dayton recently participated in a design team as a part of the Accelerate ED initiative, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Accelerate ED is built on the idea that high schools can provide early access to quality higher education in ways that incorporate work-connected learning and have long-term benefits for students. This initiative helps state-based groups plan and build accelerated pathways between K-12 education, post-secondary education, and careers.
The Getting Smart Podcast covers trends, innovations and insights in K-12, higher ed, lifelong learning, leadership, investing and more.